Tuesday, June 9, 2009

39 Week Doctors Appointment

Went to the doctor today, still no change since week 37. At least I know that it will not be more than 13 days till we meet William.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

37 Week Doctors Appointment

Today I had my 37 week check-up and I am 1 and 1/2 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced. I realize this does not necessarily mean that I will go into labor soon but I am so excited for any progress that I make without the pain of labor.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Doctors Appointment

Today I had my 36 week check up. When Harlan and I showed up for the appointment they informed us that the doctor had been called away to deliver and we were welcome to wait if we wanted to. My appointment was at 11:45am and he had already been gone for 40 minutes so we decided to wait awhile. At around 12:15 pm they called me back to check the usual blood pressure and weight in hopes that he would be there soon. I asked the nurse how long he is normally gone for a delivery. She said that there were actually two ladies in labor and that once he delivered the one he might stay to deliver the other. I asked if that were the case would he call and say it would be a while. She said that he does his best to be quick but that he does not call to check in. Once she left we decided to pray. Well can I just say God is amazingly faithful even in the little things. In less then five minutes the nurse returned to tell us that to her surprise he called to say that he was going to be another hour and half. I had packed a lunch for Harlan and I to have a picnic. So we were able to leave, go have our picnic and return to see the doctor. Well I am not dilated any but his head is down. Good job William! Everything else was good and we will go again next week. Hopefully then there may be some progress.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pictures of Baby Peden

Today we were scheduled for our ultrasound and we were both so excited and could not wait. We arrived a few minutes early for our appointment and were notified that the doctor was called away on delivery. After 45 minutes of agonizing waiting, the doctor arrived and we were able to see our little miracle! He was worth the wait. It was so amazing to see our little boy. The doctor said he was a very active little boy which he said was a good sign. We were even able to see him open and close his little hand. See all of our ultrasound images!! Click the link at the bottom

View our slide show here!

We are having a BOY!!


We found out today on January 20th 2009 that we will be the proud parents of a little baby boy. We are both very excited and looking forward to meeting our little man.